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Monday, 4 March 2013

4th March: Israeli apartheid, workers rights,

Due to complaints from Israeli settlers who say Palestinians are a security risk, one bus company that commutes Palestinians and Israelis from the West Bank has now made separate buses for Palestinians and Israelis.

Palestinians are already barred from entering the Israeli settlements in their own territory, now they will get buses of their own, starting from the checkpoints Palestinians are required to go through.

Transportation Ministry officials are not officially calling them segregated buses, but rather bus lines intended to relieve the distress of the Palestinian workers. 

But the Israeli newspaper Haaretz says Palestinians have often been treated roughly on the public transport, and the situation could now get worse.


The Northern Christchurch business Kiwi Pellets Kaiapoi has fired its five labourers, but not after they were forced to train the 11 prison inmates that will be replacing them.

One worker said they were told they were being replaced "due to lack of work and other factors" just days after the company had hired 11 inmates from Christchurch's Rolleston Prison under the Release to Work scheme.

Hare Solomon said he will start mediation with the Department of Labour over the redundancies. He said "I feel this could happen to other employees at other places of work and would not like to see this happen to anyone, it is not a good feeling to lose a job you like.

Ironically, Mr Solomon said the business productivity started plummeting once the 5 workers had lost their jobs.

The Department of Corrections would not confirm whether inmates were working at Kiwi Pallets due to prisoners' privacy, but The Press followed a van full of workers from the company premises to Rolleston Prison.

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